Sunday, April 30, 2006

Aquí en el pueblo.
He visto Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
No me vendría mal the procedure, total, es poco tiempo, no echaríamos mucho de menos.
Ya tengo mi billete para irme a Londrak a meditar.
No tengo más que decir, voy a ver OTRA peli. JA!

Change your heart
Look around you
Change your heart
It will astound you
I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine

Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime

Change your heart
Look around you
Change your heart
Will astound you
I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine

Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Everybody's gotta learn sometime

I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine

Everybody's gotta learn sometime

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Polilla, Cadáver y Da Turk Bomb.

Sprint, Sprint, Sprint.

Tras un día en el que el alcohol ya es asimilado como parte de ti de tal modo que aprendes a convivir en armonía con él como un parásito que ya no te afecta, el mundo se ve de otra manera.

"Me he olvidado de ti" cual Rachel. Sólo falta un "Pero cuándo te acordaste de mí" de Ross. Pero bueno no pasa nada, la vida continúa y sigue incierta pero quizá sea época de que así sea, hacer locuras y comprarse una vespa primavera.

Pues así para la posteridad decir que aquí estuvimos, con El Delio, hasta eso de las 2, que partimos hacia el jodido Barbarella. Allí nos rodearon los zombies poperos y un Shuffle de los discos de Nuggets. Vi cosas que habría sido mejor no ver, oí cosas que habría sido mejor no oir. Ichimaaaaai, nimaaaaai.
En la instantánea, momento Sprint de cada viernes. Y hacía un frío de tres pares de cojones. Aquí el Cadáver decidió dormir en el sofá por algún extraño motivo, lo que causó sueños raros pero muy amenos.

Hoy sábado hemos comido Gino's tirando la casa por la ventana y oyendo la conversación surrealista de dos sujetos sobre cocina e ignorancia extrema.
Ahora mismo no sé qué voy a hacer, desde luego no salir parece ser la respuesta apropiada. Será cuestión de encontrar una peli chuli y vegetar. Mmm vegetaaar.


If you were an angel, I would cut off your wings - to keep you with me, I would do anything. Like broken bottles that slip from drunken hands, I've watched my star falling and shatter on the ground.
First you wash your hair, then you wash your hands; oh yeah, I think I understand...
Untouchable, if I'm not fit to even crawl if I'm too sick, I'll soak my skin in alcohol until I feel untouchable.
I blew my chances as you blow-dried your hair; I thought of my answers as you walked down the stairs. D'you think I'd defile you if you were to get too close? D'you think I'd infect you? D'you think I'd give you a dose?
First you wash your hair, then you wash your hands; oh yeah, I think I understand...
I'll drink until my skin is full, and I will be untouchable...
Untouchable, if I'm not fit to even crawl if I'm too sick, I'll soak my skin in alcohol, and I will feel untouchable.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I was 23 years old when I died for the first time.

ya están dando por culo las pilas del teclado.

ya voy con copas de más, eso de comer por ahí y darle al gin & tonic. está bien es un buen comienzo para esta mi muerte. no sé cuándo será la resurrección de nuevo, no sé si iré a Londra muerta. Pero me voy! El jueves! la la la la Bueno eso creo. En principio.

Ha sido un duro golpe. Me he sentido como Eddie el compañero de piso chalao.
And I quote:

Ok, we're eating breakfast, right, and I made all these pancakes, there was like 50 pancakes right.
And all of the sudden she turns to me, alright, and she says, 'Eddie.'
I say, 'yeah,' she says, 'Eddie, I don't want to see you anymore.'
And it was literally like she had reached into my chest, ripped out my heart, and
smeared it all over my life, ya know. And now there's like this incredible abyss, ya know, and
I'm falling and I keep falling and I don't think I'm ever gonna stop.
That uh, wasn't such a funny story, was it?

Finalmente vamos a darnos a la vida de terror.


If I were to walk to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston
Well, first I'd go to the room where they keep the Cezanne
But if I had by my side a girlfriend
Then I could look through the paintings
I could look right through them
Because I'd have found something that I understand
I understand a girlfriend.

That's a girl friend
Said G-I-R-L-F-R-E-N
That's a girlfriend, baby
That's something that I understand

I walk through the Fenway, I have my heart in my hands
I understand a girlfriend

That's a girl friend
Oh that's a G-I-R-L-F-R-E-N
Well that's a girlfriend, baby
That's something that I understand.

Four o'clock in the afternoon in the Fenway,
I have my heart in my hands

I undertand a girlfriend
That's a girlfriend
That's G-I-R-L-F-R-E-N
That's a girlfriend, baby
Well that's something that I understand.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Bueno me he tirado media hora hablando con aquí el hermano sobre lo que vienen a ser patos y perros. Algunos con gafas de sol, otros no.

Tras otro día que viene a ser De Mierda con mayúsculas, la vida sigue más o menos igual.
Me han dado una bonita noticia, pero bueno, los asuntos que nos ocupan en general siguen siendo, en esencia, un asco.

Debería terminar de pintar la puerta y no me apetece. Mañana. O pasao. Si me apuras, quizá al otro.

He comido en el wok buffet dándole bien al tinto chino (jur) y escuchando y escuchando y escuchando...

Fue bonito ganar ayer verdad? Jódete Lucía. Qué poco me gustan los picaos. Con el otro ni he hablao.

Para mí ya ha terminado la semana de incertidumbre. Ha sido, sin duda, muy incierta. Ahora daremos paso al puente de los suspiros y lamentos. Y más o menos tengo decidido, después de la adrenalina inicial, que vamos a afrontar la situación de manera cobarde. Sí, voy a hacer un Gollum y voy a permanecer olvidada en la sombra. Ni un clásico "hello".

They cursed us. And we wept, Precious, didn't we? We wept to be so alone. And we only lust to catch fish so juicy sweet. And we forgot the taste of bread... the sound of trees... the softness of the wind. We even forgot our own name. My Precious.

Después iré a ver al Hermano. Cada día que decido una fecha, al día siguiente es más caro. En fin.

Vamos con un Nick.

I climbed the hill, lay in the grass
A little dark-eyes girl drifted past
She said, "All the best has come, it could not last
And the worst is has come true"

Her hands were small and fluttered up
A lamb amongst the buttercups
I pulled on my coat and buttoned it up
For the worst it had come true

Sail away, sail away
To a place where your troubles can't follow
Sail away, sail away
Save all your tears for tomorrow

The fins of the city moved toward us
And the swallows swooped and the starlings warned us
And the peril in everything is assured us
That the worst it had come true

And all my sorrows made their bed beside me
The shame, the disgrace and the brutality
And she whispered then, "Let laughter flee
For the worst it has come true"

Dry your tears, forget why we're here
Leave all your sorrows behind you
Never lose heart, all things must pass
To a place where your troubles can't find you

She came beside me, amongst my coat
Her breath was warm against my throat
We clung to each other so very close
For the worst it had come true

Sail away, sail away
To a place where your heart will not shame you
Take my hand, through this night without end
For the worst it has come to claim you

Sail away, sail away
To a place where no one can betray you
Take my hand, through this night without end
For the worst it has come to claim you

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ahh qué desgracias.

Bueno hoy partido y a ver qué pasa. Algunos van de rossoneros por la vida y eso es un flaw, pero bueno, no pasa nada, se perdona. Sobre todo si ganamos.

Me he puesto a pintar la puerta del baño por dentro. De azul. No es que me sienta muy orgullosa, pero bueno, ya está hecho y quedará bien cuando compre mis toallas azules. O cuando compre una pintura azul más clara para pintar encima :|

Bueno sí hoy hemos comido en el Ñasca... Odio los espárragos blancos... Y fatal.

Mañana muerte again. Y esta vez de la buena.

Y joder hostia a ver si ganamos.

Tears on a pillow
Eyes on the phone
You pour all the love that you keep inside
Into a song
Like 'He's Gone'
And these are the thoughts that you keep inside
You smile from your window
And stand all alone
And pour all the love that you keep inside
Into the phone
Into the phone
And like the leaves on the trees
Like the Carpenters song
Like the planes and the trains and they lives that were young
He's gone
And it feels like the words to a song
With the style of a widow
And the place of your own
You pour all the words that you keep inside
Into the phone
And sit alone
And these are the thoughts that you keep inside
And smile from your window
And stand all alone
And pour all the love that you keep inside
Into a song
into a song
And like the leaves on the trees
Like the Carpenters song
Like the planes and the trains and they lives that were young
He's gone
And it feels like the words to a song
And like the stains on the names of the lives of the young
He's gone
And it feels like the words to a song
And like the leaves on the trees
Like the Carpenters song
Like the planes and the trains and they lives that were young
He's gone
And it feels like the words to a song
And like the stains on the names of the lives of the young
He's gone
And it feels like the words to a song
So gone
So gone

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tengo mi episodio de Transition de El Ala. Tengo tortilla de patatas. Tengo perro gordo. Se pueden pedir más cosas pero eso es lo que hay y bueno, está bien.

Todo sigue igual de incierto. El maldito sol que ha hecho y no ha servido más que para asarse.

Me voy!

Ah que María me trajo una Puerta de Brandeburgo para la colección. Mítica.

Hello little girl,
Hello little girl,
Hello little girl.
When I see you everyday,
I say: mm mm hello little girl.
When you're passing on your way
I say: mm mm hello little girl.
When I see you passing by
I cry mm mm hello little girl.
When I try to catch your eye
I cry mm mm hello little girl.
I send you flowers
But you don't care.
You never seem to see
Me standing there.
I often wonder
What you're thinking of.
I hope it's me
And love love love.
So I hope there'll come a day
When you'll say: mm you're my little girl.
It's not the first time
That it's happened to me,
It's been a long lonely time
And it's funny funny to see
That I'm about to lose my mi-mi-ind.
So I hope there'll come a day
When you say: mm mm
You're my little girl, mm mm mm.
You're my little girl, mm mm mm.
You're my little girl, oh yeah.
You're my little girl.


Monday, April 24, 2006


Por todo ello soy Miss Perkianne Dashwood.

Weep you no more sad fountains;
what need you flow so fast?
Look how the snowy mountains
Heaven's sun doth gently waste.

But my sun's heavenly eyes
View not your weeping,
That now lies sleeping
Softly, softly, now softly
Softly lies sleeping.

Sleep is a reconciling,
A rest that peace begets.
Doth not the sun rise smiling
When fair at ev'n be sets?

Rest you then, rest, sad eyes,
Melt not in weeping,
While she lies sleeping
Softly, softly, now softly,
Softly lies sleeping.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Muerte y Resurrección

O cómo un Buryer del Mes puede devolverte al mundo de los vivos.

He tenido que dejar de ver Arma Letal 4 porque no oía los tiros con el granizo de fuera. Qué día más extraño. Ya la he visto, está bien, joder, es igual que todas.

Por lo demás todo apunta a una tarde tranquila y sosegada, a pesar de las ofertas de "marchuki" que circulan por aquí. No, no soy capaz de darlo todo dos días seguidos. Y a pesar de una música de mierda, 10 euros de mierda, un dj dormido y encuentros y no-encuentros desafortunados, lo di todo y tengo testigos.

He visto a un perrillo tó contento porque su dueño le ha comprado chorizo en rodajas y se lo ha jamao ahí el paquete entero en la puerta de los chinos. Más feliz él.

He soñado que íbamos a Benicàssim antes de tiempo a comprar nuestras entradas. Me perdía, me quemaba con el sol, iba hecha un cerdo y llevaba 3 cámaras en el bolso Apocalypse Now y las perdía por el camino todo el rato y tenía que retroceder en su busca. Y había una avalancha humana para coger un ascensor y moría un chino. Ahora mismo no sé si era chino, pero Arma Letal 4 va de chinos (flipas con el Jet Li) y ahora le recuerdo chino.
En cualquier caso era un suplicio terrorífico que Morrissey no merece de mi parte. Pero bueno ya veremos, no desesperéis.
Paso del sábado del Summercase, pero no te digo que no al de Primal Scream.
Veremos, again.
Ay esta incertidumbre mira que es mala eh.

Ya tengo dos geranios. Eso me hace ver que el Seat que hace ruido no está por el barrio. Espero que no se lo haya llevado la riada de la tormenta.

"Oh, there ain't no love, no Montagues or Capulets, are just banging tunes and DJ sets and... Dirty dancefloors, and dreams of naughtiness!"

Friday, April 21, 2006

*** Miércoles, 19 de abril de 2006

El cabreo descomunal que ha supuesto en mí el hecho de que no se puede poner fotolog hoy es sólo comparable al que tendría el padre de Cameron cuando el Ferrari se cae por la ventana.
Dicho esto, he decidido hacer un minifotolog acumulado para los tres días.
Todo sigue igual en esta mi vida de mierda. Comida en Vips, cena con Jai y ardillica en Highbury. Qué mona ella.
Y María en Berlín.

Gimme hell gimme hell gimme hell She said as she fell Tongue tied tongue tied tongue tied She could never lie So come on little sugar Let me get your soul Dig deep crazy like a success show She can't bawl and she can't shout She can't bawl and fuck it out Gimme hell she gives me hell I'm fucking up anyway Well I've been good And I've been mean And I've been looking for a Coke machine So come on

*** Jueves, 20 de abril de 2006

Hoy ha sido el día bizarro de la vida, en el que he trabajado mucho y por interés propio y sobre todo para distraerme de otras circunstancias personales que podemos IGNORAR (hint hint, wink wink).
He comido en el Japo con Rafa, más majo... Y luego ha venido VSC. Qué voy a decir al respecto, cavilo sin cesar.
María ha escrito un e-mail y me he tomao una couk con JAF.
No más novedades.
Ahora me dispongo a ver El Ala y House seguidos como quien no quiere la cosa.

Fall to her call on a Saturday night She's got the hip dippin' trick of all time done right She's got her lips sticking tight to her find tonight She's keeping time keeping time with the mystery rhyme And she's crazy to want me to taunt me Deep on the scene she is waiting for me Like a sin scraping skin she is screaming for me Hope in hope in the sky she is talking to me She's keeping time keeping time with the image of me And she's crazy to want me to taunt me It's her way of saying a prayer for me It's her way of saying a prayer for me It's her way of talking to God for me It's her way of talking to God for me It's her way of talking to jesus christ It's her way of talking to jesus hey Talking to you now And I just can't take it anyhow Talking about your prayer And I just can't take it anyway Anyhow I see it Any kind of way she tells me All the things I'm trying

*** Viernes, 21 de abril de 2006

Cumple de Jai, el cual se puede joder porque no le voy a llamar más veces porque todas tenía el teléfono apagado.
Hoy ha sido un día bastante pesado en el trabajo, sin NADA de NADA y seguimos igual. Life sucks and so do I.
He visto Scooby Doo 2 y realmente es que Freddie Prinze Jr es un sueño de proporciones Levis Straussicas.
Ayer sin embargo después de esa sesión de WW y Jaus, decidí que las 21:30 era muy buena hora para irse a dormir. A ver qué pasa hoy. En principio hay que ahogar las penas, no? Va a ser un fin de semana muy duro.
Y sobre todo... arreglarán el endemoniado fotolog de una santa vez?
Creo que me voy a dormir la siesta.

Crazy I'm halfway to crazy Suicide could save me Oh is that much too extreme It's such a sad and sorry scene
Lovers tongue tied And tied to the tongue Making deals going bad by the dawn Every dog must have it's day And then it's got to pay and pay
That's me being torn at the seams Going mad in the middle of a dream Catch me getting it wrong from the start Catch me 'cause I'm falling apart
Crazy I'm halfway to crazy Suicide would waste me Homicide would break me Tongue tied and tied to the tongue Oh is life as bad as dreams I guess that's just the way it seems

*** Sáabdo 22 de abril 2006
Hijos de puta del fotolog joder yo quería ponerlo antes esto es una infamia no puede ser aaahhh
Bueno no diré nada respecto a esta noche porque el mundo está lleno de cotillas de la vida,
Sí aquí estamos hemos sobrevivido son las 5:34 y aquí uo uo uo
Qué ricas las putas hamburguesas del Sprint ya ves
Bueno ha esatdo bien ha estado bien muchas cositas ahí
un dj de mierda borracho que apret de lka vida
y un daddy de la vida
no cuento no cuento que todo se sabe
nada no termino

You show us everything you've got
You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You say you wanna go for a spin
The party's just begun, we'll let you in
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin'

I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day

You keep on saying you'll be mine for a while
You're lookin' fancy and I like your style
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You show us everything you've got
Baby, baby that's quite a lot
And you drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin'

I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day
I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Verona 2001

Iba a decir "quiero viajar" pero me he sentido Amaral.

No tengo tiempo para decir nada puesto que tengo que ir al bar a ver el partido. Si no va bien me sentiré muy ultrajada e infeliz, porque estoy posponiendo el visionado del capítulo 7x18 de El Ala.

But a Pec's gotta do what a Pec's gotta do.

Tengo un pelín de hambre y tal.

Cómo? El puerto? Lo encontrarán a la orilla del mar!
Pero yo no quiero el puerto!
Pues qué quiere?
La forma A-38!
La nueva circular B-65?
La ventanilla 2?
Creo que ahora está en el segundo piso pasillo J escalera B.

(en resumen, que me estoy volviendo loca)

you're a single survivor
found an ocean between you and those that you lost
got a phonecall this morning
told your sisters had always been part of the quest
will they know what you look like
when you step of the bus will they run to your side
like they know you from photos
like they know you from stories that kept you alive

are you gonna sink or swim
from coast to coast is more than you bargin for
are you gonna lose or win
from ties and lies
is something worth trying for

when you sit round the table
will you look into the faces and just see your own
will you talk of the future
will you talk of the things that were almost unknown

are you gonna sink or swim (it's so strange)
from coast to coast is more than you bargin for
are you gonna lose or win (it's so strange)
from ties and lies
is something worth trying for

Monday, April 17, 2006

No tengo nada que decir así en este momento particular. He de ahorrar energía.
Me han pillao. Juas.
Unas lyrics valen más que mil palabras!!

Good times for a change
See, the luck I've had
Can make a good man
Turn bad

So please please please
Let me, let me, let me
Let me get what I want
This time

Haven't had a dream in a long time
See, the life I've had
Can make a good man bad

So for once in my life
Let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Ayer vi Scooby Doo y me lo pasé muy bien.
Como querías salir en un montaje... Te quejarás porque tú te quedas con Fredster... En fin era imposible.

He ido a desayunar con Fran y Rosa, tan monos ellos. Les gusta el Ala, como era de suponer. Cuando la gente es inteligente aparte de ser mis amigos también son fans de el Ala. Es un círculo vicioso.
Ahora habrá que comer, pero no sé qué decirte.

Estoy frustrada porque no sé de qué peli es un tío que dice, como para disculparse "Jenny, yo..." y la tía justo acaba de recibir una llamada telefónica que le comunica la muerte de alguien, y se muerde el labio y le lloran los ojos con cara de preocupación. Si alguien lo sabe... El Jenny es orientativo. 80's, 90's. Luego llamo a Car a ver si lo sabe. Y si no, que le dé la misma intriga que a mí.

Por lo demás ha sido una semana santa tranquila, no me he aburrido lo cual está bien. Mañana ya empieza el calvario extremo, amigos, the final countdown to extinction (he hecho aquí un homenaje a los yurop y a megadeth a la vez). Domingo de resurrección.

Ahí siguen las torrijas, si las queréis podéis venir, ya tengo telefonillo.


No se me ocurre ninguna canción, es temprano. Y en Bro sólo saltan los manics y nick. Lógico XD.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Lo mejor, la pizza de pizza perro.
Ay pizza perro qué buenos ratos nos dio.
Y qué ricos.

Por lo demás es aguantar a dos tipas que no hacen más que hablar de Pete Doherty por aquí y por allá. Ay ay ay.
(ja ja)

Debo 20 euros a Aiti y debo encauzar de nuevo mi vida a no salir con pronóstico de lluvia ni de dar charlitas de las mías con 7 cervezas encima.

Y habría que tirar la cámara de Patricia a un pozo la próxima vez.

Mi casa es tan bonita que no sé qué hacer ya con ella.

She walks in beauty like the night
Discarding her clothes in the plastic flowers
Pornographic and tragic in black and white
My marilyn come to my slum for an hour

I’m aching to see my heroine
I’m aching been dying for hours and hours

She walks in the beauty of a magazine
Complicating the boys in the office towers
Rafaella or della the silent dream
My marilyn come to my slum for an hour

I’m aching to see my heroine
I’m aching been dying for hours and hours,
Been dying for hours and hours

She walks in beauty like the night

Hypnotizing the silence with her powers
Armageddon is bedding this picture alright
My marilyn come to slum for an hour

I’m aching to see my heroine
Aching, been dying for hours and hours
I’m 18, I need my heroines
Aching, been dying for hours
Oh and I’m never alone now
Now I’m with her

Friday, April 14, 2006

Niña atrapada entre rejas por masa de Católicos fanáticos subversivos.

El poltergeist del vestidor ha sido ahuyentado... pero volverá, sí amigos, volverá, sabe muchas triquiñuelas...

Y me tengo que ir ya ves porque resulta que vamos a salir. Juas.

Lord have mercy on me!

Qué te voy a contar que no sepas.

Nick - God's Hotel

Everybody got a room
Everybody got a room
Everybody got a room
In God's Hotel.
Everybody got a room.
Well you'll never see a sign hanging on the door
Sayin 'No vacancies anymore'.

Everybody got wings
Everybody got wings
Everybody got wings
In God's Hotel.
Everybody got wings.
You'll never see a sign hanging on the door
Sayin 'At no time may both feet leave the floor'

Everybody got a harp
Everybody got a harp
Everybody got a harp
In God's Hotel.
Everybody got a harp.
You'll never see a sign hanging on the wall
Sayin 'No harps allowed in the hotel at all'.

Everybody got a cloud
Everybody got a cloud
Everybody got a cloud
In God's Hotel.
Everybody got a cloud.
You'll never see a sign hanging on the wall
Sayin 'Smoking and drinking will be thy downfall'.

Everybody hold a hand
Everybody hold a hand
Everybody hold a hand
In God's Hotel.
Everybody hold a hand.
You'll never see a sign hung up above your door
'No visitors allowed in rooms, By law!'

Everybody's halo shines
Everybody's halo shines
Everybody's halo shines
In God's Hotel.
Everybody's halo lookin' fine.
You won't see a sign staring at you from the wall
Sayin 'Lights out! No burnin the midnight oil!'

Everybody got credit
Everybody got credit
Everybody got credit
In God's Hotel.
Everybody got good credit.
You'll never see a sign stuck on the cash-box drawer
Sayin 'Credit tommorow!!' or 'Want credit?!? Haw, haw haw!!'

Everybody is blind
Everybody is blind
Everybody is blind
In God's Hotel.
Everybody is blind.
You'll never see a sign on the front door
'No red skins. No Blacks. And that means you, baw!'

Everybody is deaf
Everybody is deaf
Everybody is deaf
In God's Hotel.
Everybody is deaf.
You'll never find a sign peeling off the bar-room wall
'Though shalt not blaspheme, cuss, holler or bawl'.

Everybody is dumb
Everybody is dumb
Everybody is dumb
In God's Hotel.
Everybody is dumb.
So you'll never see on the visiting-room wall
'Though shalt not blaspheme, cuss, holler or bawl'.

Everybody got Heaven
Everybody got Heaven
Everybody got Heaven
In God's Hotel.
Everybody got Heaven.
So you'll never see scribbled on the bathroom wall
'Let Rosy get ya Heaven, dial 686-844!'

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Jo tío qué difícil es la vida cuando se tiene ropa extraña que no sabes de dónde ha salido.
Sí, de nuevo, estoy en medio de esa trampa que supone una habitación llena de armarios.
Y sólo a mí se me ocurre ver Ghost. Ja, ja, ja. Ay XD

Aitan del averno
qué pasa

No sé eh

El caso es que no voy a decir cuánto hace que no me ducho porque podría herir la sensibilidad del espectador and this movie is pg 13.

Un día de estos me santifico. Se me había olvidado que debía hacerlo. Peko magdalena o algo. Mmm magdalenas. No me gustan pero ya se sabe piensas algo y por qué no.

I'd sell your heart to the junkman baby
For a buck, for a buck
If you're looking for someone
to pull you out of that ditch
You're out of luck, you're out of luck

The ship is sinking
The ship is sinking
The ship is sinking
There's leak, there's leak,
In the boiler room
The poor, the lame, the blind
Who are the ones that we kept in charge?
Killers, thieves, and lawyers

God's away, God's away,
God's away on Business. Business.
God's away, God's away,
God's away on Business. Business.

Digging up the dead with
A shovel and a pick
It's a job, it's a job
Bloody moon rising with
A plague and a flood
Jain the mob, jain the mob
It's all over, it's all over, it's all over
There's a lick, there's a lick,
In the boiler room
The poor, the lame, the blind
Who are the ones that we kept in charge?
Killers, thieves, and lawyers
God's away, God's away, God's away
On Business. Business.
God's away, God's away,
On Business. Business.

Goddamn ther's always such
A big temptation
To be good, To be good
Tere's always free cheddar in
A mousetrap, baby
It's a deal, it's a deal
God's away, God's away, God's away
On Business. Business.
God's away, God's away, God's away
On Business. Business.
I narrow my eyes like a coin slot baby,
Let her ring, let her ring
God's away, God's away,
God's away on Business.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hoy viajo sola.

Está movida y a mí qué.

A pesar de la tremenda falta de sueño, creo que lo mejor que puedo hacer ahora es ver ese penúltimo episodio de El Ala. Con un helaooo. Helaaaaooo.
Debo estancarme. Jaijai. Stankovich dame un paquete de Tabacovich.
Ayyy nazarenos on the way.

Ryan Adams - Desire

Two hearts fading, like a flower.
And all this waiting, for the power.
For some answer, to this fire.
Sinking slowly. The wateras higher.

With no secrets. No obsession.
This time I'm speeding with no direction.
Without a reason. What is this fire?
Burning slowly. My one and only.

You know me. You don't mind waiting.
You just can't show me, but God I'm praying,
That you'll find me, and that you'll see me,
That you run and never tire.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

"Mi cerebro es como una masa de spaghettis blandos sin tomate pegados entre sí, formando una plasta uniforme y a la par temblorosa".

Amaya, Patricia, Gema, Yo.

En un ascensor.

Un día cualquiera.

Un día de hoy.

Ay ay ay ay ay ay
Soy el hombre abeja de los Simpsons.
Ay ay ay ay

Necesito limpiar mi aura.
Dónde está Phoebe cuando la necesitas.

No estoy infeliz, de todos modos.
Ay ay ay ay

When your heart is black and broken
And you need a helping hand
When you're so much in love
You don't know just how much you can stand

When your questions go unanswered
And the silence is killing you
Take my hand baby, I'm your man
I got love enough for two

Ten storey love song
I built this thing for you
Who can take you higher
Than twin peak mountain blue?
Oh well, I built this thing for you
And I love you true

There's no sure fire set solution
No short cut through the trees
No breach in the wall
That they put there
To keep me from you

As you're lying awake in this darkness
This everlasting night
Someday soon
Don't know where or when
You're gonna wake up and see the light

Ten storey love song
I built this thing for you
Who can take you any higher
Than twin peak mountain blue?
Oh well, I built this thing for you
And I love you true

Monday, April 10, 2006

Es rosa.
por ello se llama Bro
por pinky y cerebro bro bro bro

Más mono...
Y con lo que me ha costao comprármelo... (aparte de la pasta)
dos horas de larga caminata
ay ay ay

Me voy a ir a dormir pero ya

I stood and held your hand.
And nobody else's hand will ever do
Nobody else will do
Then I awoke
Was this some kind of joke
Much to my surprise
I opened my eyes.

We walked across the sand and the sea and
The sky and the castles were blue.
I stood and held your hand.
And the spray flew high and the feathers floated by
I stood and held your hand.
And nobody else's hand will ever do
Nobody else will do
Then I awoke
Was this some kind of joke
Much to my surprise
When I opened my eyes.

We heard the trumpets blow and the sky
Turned red when I accidently said
That I didn't know how I came to be here
Not fast asleep in bed.
I stood and held your hand.
And nobody else's hand will ever do
Nobody else's hand
Then I awoke
Was this some kind of joke
I opened my eyes.
Much to my surprise.

Qué hacer qué hacer qué hacer qué hacer
sick sick sick

Sunday, April 9, 2006

bueno por fin vimos walk the line.
lo siento aiti, me he puesto yo
ja ja

estoy pensando lo que molaría ir al concierto de los ju, pero bueno, vete tú a saber dónde estaremos el 27 de julio. si estamos aquí, we break in.
wearing disguiiiiseees

mi mesa está sucia como si llevase tirada en un contenedor 4 semanas. lo sé, lo sé, soy un desastre, pero es que no me apetece!
tampoco limpié el vestidor porque ALGUIEN decidió tirar en él todo lo que estaba en el barreño, por lo que lo considero injusto y no voy a mover un dedo de momento.

car tiene una guitarra, sálvese quien pueda. no se puede decir que sea un alivio que no viva aquí, porque igualmente te llama por teléfono y te pone la guitarra la tía.

quizá me tome un helao. helaaao.

Una de Johnny...

We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when,
but I know we'll meet again some sunny day!
Keep smiling through, just like you always do,
'till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away!
So, will you please say hello to the folks that I know?
Tell them I won't be long!
They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go,
I was singin' this song:
We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when,
but I know we'll meet again some sunny day!
So, will you please say hello to the folks that I know?
Tell them I won't be long!
They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go . . .
I was singin' this song:
We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when,
but I know we'll meet again some sunny day!
We'll meet again, we'll meet again . . .

Saturday, April 8, 2006

No sé qué hacer hoy.

No pienso recoger el vestidor.

Ni comer puré.

Lost me está consumiendo no sé cómo voy a vivir así.

Tendré que comerme el puré.


When I was young
I thought I had my own key
I knew exactly what I wanted to be
Now I'm sure
You've boarded up every door

Lived in a bubble
Days were never ending
Was not concerned
About what life was sending
Fantasy was real
Now I know much
About the way I feel

I'll paint you the picture
'Cause I don't think you live round here no more
I've never even seen
The key to the door
We only get what we will settle for

While we're living
The dreams we have as children
Fade away
While we're living
The dreams we have as children
Fade away
While we're living
The dreams we have as children
Fade away, away, away
They fade away, away, away

Now my life has turned
Another corner
I think it's only best
That I should warn you
Dream it while you can
Maybe someday I'll make you understand

I'll paint you the picture
'Cause I don't think you live round here no more
I've never even seen
The key to the door
We only get what we will settle for

While we're living
The dreams we have as children
Fade away
While we're living
The dreams we have as children
Fade away
While we're living
The dreams we have as children
Fade away
They fade away, away, away
Fade away, away, away

Friday, April 7, 2006

pues nada, aquí te levantas dos minutos y ya has perdido tu oportunidad.

hoy me he sobado vale? entonces llego ahí a trabajar a las 10:36, me siento en mi silla, me pongo a trabajar y de repente descubro que estoy sentada en una silla nueva y apestosa que no es la mía, la que yo me había molestado en etiquetar con mi nombre para que nadie me la robase.
Total, toda la mañana de mala hostia hasta que a las 13:30 entro en un despacho a reunirme felizmente y ahí está, mi silla con su etiqueta. Así que rauda y velozmente he sustraído mi propiedad y la he cambiado por la cosa nueva que me traían. Para otro. Tsk.

Es mi historia de hoy.

También le he llevado a Rafa su disco recopilatorio de Operación Triunfo 3 pero no ha querido la portada para que nadie supiera que escuchaba eso.

Comimos en Vips en compañía.

Y nada, aquí estoy esperando a que caiga la noche (hace falta valor)

La foto es para Lama: limpia el espejo de mi baño, tronca.

Y he perdido el capítulo del Código Da Vinci por el que iba así que he dedicado el trayecto del autobús a jugar al tetris en el móvil cual quinceañero (quinceañero, sí) de la vida.

Love & Rockets - Mirror People

I'm so happy with my feet on the ground
So happy, my head spins around
Quite content to sit on this fence
Quite content now a little bit older
The mirror people one day shall be free
The mirror people laugh at you and laugh at me
The mirror people, know not how to cry
So they scream, the mirror people scream inside
Because I could be nothing at all
Because I should be nothing at all
I wish I could be nothing at all
I wish I could be nothing at all
Time goes by so slow
When your stuck to me
Time goes by so slow
When your stuck to me
Yes it's true we're all in a gutter
And yes it's true please set me free
The christian says
I love love everybody
And you and you and you can be free
But I'm so happy with my feet on the ground
So happy my head spins around
Quite content to sit on this fence
Quite content
Now a little bit older
Because I could be nothing at all
Because I should be nothing at all
I wish I could be nothing at all
I wish I could be nothing at all
Time goes by so slow
When your stuck to me
Time goes by so slow
When your stuck to me

Thursday, April 6, 2006

No tengo ganas. El motive está por los suelos colega.
Estoy viendo Tú a Londres y Yo a California.
Podía irme yo a California, que no? A mi viñedo de Napa.
Eso sí, quiero a Leyi con pasión.

Get some pain and I feel alive – born to end.
Close my eyes overdose on hell – born to end.
Get run over by no direction – born to end.
Breathing dead and I’m born to end – born to end.

Fall to the floor my baby, baby.
I no longer believe.
Fall to the floor my baby, baby.
I’ve lost the love to sleep.

H-Bomb the only thing that will bring a freedom to life.
Underneath the blue skies beautiful empty dying.
Nagasaki dolls are burning.

Europe freed by McDonalds and Levi’s – born to end.
Can’t afford it so I hate it all – born to end.
Images linger like repression – born to end.
Concentration camps of our dreams – born to end.

Fall to the floor my baby, baby.
I no longer believe.
Fall to the floor my baby, baby.
I’ve lost the love to sleep.

H-Bomb the only thing that will bring a freedom to life.
Underneath the blue skies beautiful empty dying.
Nagasaki dolls are burning.

Beg for mercy.
Pray for war

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Ahh Capitol Hill.
Anda que no hay cosas en DC, pandilla de ignorantes.

En cualquier caso, hoy he comido natillas ricas del Pantuflo. Qué ricas. Por lo demás, el día no ha sido ni interesante ni motivante.

Ya estamos en Abril eh y parece que fue ayer cuando fuimos al parque a alimentar a los caimanes.

Planeando vacances de Semana Santa... ¿se apunta alguien a Barcelona?

Creo que hoy veremos Independence Day... no sé si podré soportar ese rayo fulminador de Whitehouses.

Se me olvidó decir que ayer vi El Ala... antepenúltimate... No veas qué movida. Pobre John Spencer. Pero pero pero Josh Donna well well well. Sigo echando de menos a Sam.

Mañana Jaus, pasao Lost. Todo controlado.

Ah, y estoy "leyendo" el da vinci ese para ver la peli. La verdad es que es extremadamente entretenido y me recuerda al Broken Sword.

Nada más por el momento

Pulp - Down By The River

Take me down to the river where I would not go before
Through the trees and the rushes to a place we both know
And I'm feeling much younger as I kneel on the ground
Dip my toe in the water of the river where I watched you drown
Oh when the river ran dry that next year
I could not find your body
Now I'm standing here ready at last to dive down and reach you again
And I long to be with you
Now these cold nights have come oh I go down to the river
but the river will stop for no-one
Though I ask it it keeps flowing on
When I ask it, it tells me you're gone

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

detrás mío había un viejo sedan. era el coche de mique, no había duda. a todos los matones les gusta pasear en coche. encendí un lucky. ahora debía darme prisa...

comí en vips
muy agradable
algo de rencor
comparto adicción a la automedicación, lo cual está bien.

el perro está tirando todo lo que hay en mi bolso para dormir en él. otra vez! es tan feliz...

You're a bad little woman
You're a bad little woman
You're 'bout to ruin me baby
With your bad, bad ways

He drives a big shiny Cadillac
Yeah a big shiny Cadillac
And he's evil too
Yeah he's evil too

Bueno pues ayer estuve mirando qué necesito para irme a Washington. Me concederán el visado enseguida porque no tengo familia iraquí. DC baby!


Monday, April 3, 2006

He adquirido CINCO nuevas fotos de desconocidos en el mismo sitio hoy.
Y sin robarle la cartera a nadie.
Super diver, colegui

Aquí están casi todas las que tenemos. No se verá pero he añadido 5 de no-desconocidos camufladas.
Je je je jeee

Todos recordarán al Arcipreste, a la niña que fue eliminada del cumpleaños o a la mítica y primera I. Corporativa.

Bueno, pues nada, estoy desmotivada porque no vivo en Washington DC y no soy abogado de un bufete de prestigio del que me iría para fundar mi propia asociación pequeña y en defensa de los menos favorecidos de la sociedad del otro lado del Potomac.


People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Saigón. Mierda.

me han preguntao si estaba en Vietnam
así que por qué no?

Quiero mi sombrero de Vietnam!!!!!!
maldita sea!!!!!!!!

en puedes elegir "la palabra más bella del castellano". yo opto por berberecho.

ni qué decir tiene que perdí la porra, y no sólo eso, sino que me reí de Sole cuando dijo "1-1". Qué jodía.

He visto The Man, Sky High, Fun with Dick and Jane y Rumor has it. Estoy esperando a Lama para ver Little Manhattan, ya que Car no va a venir a verla. Sale Bradley Whitford y NYC. A falta de DC, qué más se puede pedir?

Por lo demás, ha sido un fin de semana algo seco. Hasta he entrao al IRC. Qué le voy hacer si he nacido bajo un mal signo.

Toma Nick Cave!

It's been a pleasure dear
to find your treasure here
and scatter it across the sand
heaps of coins and ruby rings
and a yellow burdock sings
songs of sorrow to your memory

Well stand back from that window sill
im not holding you here against your will
well Im just trying my best to heal
this crazy old wounded moon

its alright
under this moon tonight
with you, dear
it's alright
under this moon tonight

Your mouth is a crimson boat
in which my kisses float
in silence to the sea
oh well I love your touch
I love it very much

Your lover just called he's on the phone
I'm telling you kindly that your not alone
your smiling eyes shine like precious stones
falling from the sky

Well it's alright
under these stars tonight
with you baby it's alright
it's alright
under these stars tonight

let's get it on
and further more and in conjunction
and some other time and space
well all joy will come
to you, to me, to everyone
ah babe didnt we have it made

well love is sweet it is agreed
as we float in the shallows of the deep
and on a bed of seaweed sleep
among the pebbles and the sand

well it's alright
under this moon tonight
with you well it's alright
it's alright
under this moon tonight

Qué flipe.

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Can't wait to see the movie maaan.

Espero con fervor al partido. Me juego un euro en ello, pero sobre todo mi dignidad. Muy importante.

Hay un poli loco subiendo en dirección contraria por mi calle. Lo que me ha hecho perk-atarme de que no está el seat que hace ruido. Espero que no le haya pasado nada, pobrecito.

Hoy empiezan los próximos 20 días. Van a ser duros.

Y digo yo que como es April Fool's Day iba a poner una canción de Stíng-ete como broma, pero ni me atrevo.

He visto Aquellas Juergas, qué grande. "We're streaking! Down to the gymnasium!" Son una gran pandilla deberían ser amigos nuestros.

Bueno, bueno, y ayer vi Pérdids, qué gran episodio, dios mío, qué grande, qué increíble, es muy fuerte colega muy fuerte Henry Gale from Minessotta my ass! En fin esto de esperar para ver las cosas es algo que me resulta en extremo difícil. Y Date Movie sin salir en dvd.

pues creo que eso es todo por ahora. hearty salutations.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char, inflame and ignite,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

We're rascals, scoundrels, villans, and knaves,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We're beggars and blighters, ne'er-do-well cads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.