Bueno me he tirado media hora hablando con aquí el hermano sobre lo que vienen a ser patos y perros. Algunos con gafas de sol, otros no.
Tras otro día que viene a ser De Mierda con mayúsculas, la vida sigue más o menos igual.
Me han dado una bonita noticia, pero bueno, los asuntos que nos ocupan en general siguen siendo, en esencia, un asco.
Debería terminar de pintar la puerta y no me apetece. Mañana. O pasao. Si me apuras, quizá al otro.
He comido en el wok buffet dándole bien al tinto chino (jur) y escuchando y escuchando y escuchando...
Fue bonito ganar ayer verdad? Jódete Lucía. Qué poco me gustan los picaos. Con el otro ni he hablao.
Para mí ya ha terminado la semana de incertidumbre. Ha sido, sin duda, muy incierta. Ahora daremos paso al puente de los suspiros y lamentos. Y más o menos tengo decidido, después de la adrenalina inicial, que vamos a afrontar la situación de manera cobarde. Sí, voy a hacer un Gollum y voy a permanecer olvidada en la sombra. Ni un clásico "hello".
They cursed us. And we wept, Precious, didn't we? We wept to be so alone. And we only lust to catch fish so juicy sweet. And we forgot the taste of bread... the sound of trees... the softness of the wind. We even forgot our own name. My Precious.
Después iré a ver al Hermano. Cada día que decido una fecha, al día siguiente es más caro. En fin.
Vamos con un Nick.
I climbed the hill, lay in the grass
A little dark-eyes girl drifted past
She said, "All the best has come, it could not last
And the worst is has come true"
Her hands were small and fluttered up
A lamb amongst the buttercups
I pulled on my coat and buttoned it up
For the worst it had come true
Sail away, sail away
To a place where your troubles can't follow
Sail away, sail away
Save all your tears for tomorrow
The fins of the city moved toward us
And the swallows swooped and the starlings warned us
And the peril in everything is assured us
That the worst it had come true
And all my sorrows made their bed beside me
The shame, the disgrace and the brutality
And she whispered then, "Let laughter flee
For the worst it has come true"
Dry your tears, forget why we're here
Leave all your sorrows behind you
Never lose heart, all things must pass
To a place where your troubles can't find you
She came beside me, amongst my coat
Her breath was warm against my throat
We clung to each other so very close
For the worst it had come true
Sail away, sail away
To a place where your heart will not shame you
Take my hand, through this night without end
For the worst it has come to claim you
Sail away, sail away
To a place where no one can betray you
Take my hand, through this night without end
For the worst it has come to claim you
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