ja! la casa para mí! y para la mugre...
sí, se ha ido, pero no sin antes dejarme con un recadito de la muerte que ahora tengo que ir a recoger y que sé que va a costar una fortuna.
eso sí, absténganse de venir a mi ventana: CAR NO ESTÁ
por lo demás, aito, quiero ver PRIME (uma thurman, meryl streep) y quiero verla pronto. la estrenan this findus.
y me voy a por las impresiones del infierno más profundo.
Y gran canción:
I thought so long and suddenly I realised I love love
I thought so long and suddenly I realised I love love
Am I loving the girl or the feeling I feel?
Is it just the idea that I like or is it for real?
I recall a special friend, I invited her home for tea
And while my mother cooked a meal she was under the table with me
I thought so long and suddenly I realised I love love
I thought so long and suddenly I realised I love love
These ideas that I have remain fixed in my head
Only the characters change it's someone else there instead
One day we went down to the park to feed the ducks some bread
Foul fowls wouldn't touch a scrap so we jumped in the duckpond instead
I thought so long and suddenly I realised I love love
I thought so long and suddenly I realised I love love
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