he tenido un día relajado, cosa altamente inusual.
ayer vimos Just Like Heaven otra vez y todas ahí flipadas por rufFALO.
he escuchao el holy bible así que la canción de hoy no tendrá que ver con el día de hoy porque no pienso poner ninguna del holy bible, así como te lo digo chavea.
como cada lunes, el torneo del infierno acecha y toca los huevos ahí en plan de puta madre.
mañana el comi y aún no hemos visto el de la semana pasada ay ay
en cualquier caso, no, car, i don't book tomorrow y no sé si habrá forma de escapada. if you feel like leaving, i'm not gonna make you staaay.
bueno, pues eso.
pongo esta que me ha despertado esta mañana (la segunda vez, la primera fue Stormy Weather - mola levantarse dos veces) y soy una flipaten.
The Auteurs - Underground Movies
We first met it was raining
In a house with bay windows
And all the fitting and fixtures
And a catalogue of injury
She´s got a credo in underground movies
Her father is a lawyer
Who paid for the fitting and fixtures
And a house with bay windows
And i´m calling from a baltimore hotel
Don´t let it ring again
Your movies are your own
You´re on a limb again
Calling from a baltimore hotel
Don´t let it ring again
Your movies are your own
Don´t let him in again
Four weeks later in april
I took her to the doctors
Said i´ve no prescription
For compromised solution
And i´m calling from a baltimore hotel
Don´t let it ring again
Your movies are your own
You´re on a limb again
Calling from a baltimore hotel
Don´t let it ring again
Your movies are your own
Don´t let him in again
Ten years
Caught in a trap by my own cunning
Thought I was smart
Thought I was dying
For years
I lived in a flat without water running
Thought it was smart
Thought it was funny
I’m writing in memoirs
The underground press remain faithful
Ghost writing her memoirs
Maybe we´ll get it on cable
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