Forth, and fear no darkness! Arise. Arise, Riders of Théoden. Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered. A sword day... a red day... ere the sun rises. Ride now... Ride now... Ride. Ride for ruin and the world's ending!
Forth Eorlingas!
Bueno, he dormido una siestecilla y ayer olvidé que existía Perdidos, estoy empezando a caer en un agujero sin retorno. No obstante, el viernes se siente en el aire helado con su sombrero de Sherlock Holmes y el dog man star de la vida.
Mola ir a desayunar, aunque sea a un sitio llamado "Niasca" donde sirven gazpacho dudoso en enero.
Dog man star took a suck on a pill
And stabbed a cerebellum with a curious quill
Europe, America, Winterland
Introducing the band
Chic thug stuttered through a stereo dream
A fifty knuckle shuffle heavy metal machine
The tears of suburbia drowned the land
Introducing the band
So steal me a savage, subservient son
Get him shacked-up, bloodied-up and sucking on a gun
I want the style of a woman, the kiss of a man
Introducing the band
And as the sci-fi lullaby starts to build
See them whipping all the women, cracked governments killed
Oh let the century die to violent hands
Introducing the band
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