y así fuimos sumiéndonos más y más en la ciénaga a medida que pasaban los días para finalizar el año fiscal.
Me he clavado la espiral del cuaderno dentro de la uña cual Sawyer siendo torturado por Sayid.
voy a teñirme el pelo. yes, again.
You shatter me your grip on me a hold on me
You shatter me your grip on me a hold on me
So dull it kills you stifle me infectious sense of
So dull it kills you stifle me infectious sense of
Hopelessness and prayers for rain I suffocate i
Hopelessness and prayers for rain I suffocate i
Breathe in dirt and nowhere shines but desolate
Breathe in dirt and nowhere shines but desolate
And drab the hours all spent on killing time
And drab the hours all spent on killing time
Again all waiting for the rain
Again all waiting for the rain
You fracture me your hands on me a touch so
You fracture me your hands on me a touch so
Plain so stale it kills you strangle me entangle
Plain so stale it kills you strangle me entangle
Me in hopelessness and prayers for rain i
Me in hopelessness and prayers for rain i
Deteriorate I live in dirt and nowhere glows but
Deteriorate I live in dirt and nowhere glows but
Drearily and tired the hours all spent on killing
Drearily and tired the hours all spent on killing
Time again all waiting for the rain
Time again all waiting for the rain
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